Are we selling nature to save it?
CANCELLED. Due to late cancellation of several speakers we have to unfortunately cancel the meeting. We hope to host a similar event next year. Jorden oplever i dag den største masseuddøen i 65 millioner år. Kom til debatmøde om EU's naturpolitikker og finansialisering af naturen (på engelsk)
Due to late cancellation of several speakers we have to unfortunately cancel the meeting.
We hope to host a similar event next year.
Vi ved udviklingen må vendes for at bevare naturen og biodiversiteten, men naturbeskyttelse bliver i højere grad overladt til markedet, hvor naturen gøres til en handelsvare og politikken dirigeres af private aktører.
Onsdag d. 6. december afholder NOAH et debatarrangement (på engelsk).
Despite biodiversity and ecosystems providing life sustaining services and being crucial for the well functioning of e.g. agricultural systems, climate modification and water purification they are seriously threathened by unsustainable pratices, resource extraction and over consumption. EU has a wide range of policies and goals in the area, but they need to be better implemented as well as cohere with other policy areas to function.
Further biodiversity and ecosystem functions are increasingly aims for financialisation and off-setting turning them into commodities and possible aims for speculation with related environmental and social consequences, where the polluter pays principle is turned into a license to trash. This is often done with the argument of protecting them. But is this approach working or are we selling nature to protect it?
This meeting wishes to discuss what policies and over all approach we need to nature conservation and protection of ecosystem services. The meeting will be in English.
18.30-18.40: Welcome and introduction: Why this conference
18.40-19.00: The state and importance of EU nature and EU policies (Nanna Clifforth, NOAH)
19.00-19.30: Finansialisation and offsetting of nature (Jutta Kill*)
19.30-19.45: Break
19.45-20.05: Inputs to discussion (WWF & Beate Werner: Head of biodiversity group, European Environmental Agency)
20.05-20.45: Panel discussion (all speakers)
*Jutta Kill is a researcher and activist focusing on the Green Economy concept where natural complexity and diversity are transformed into "natural capital" – the re-defined "nature" of the Green Economy that capital can see. Her recent writings explore how in the process, rules-based environmental legislation and fines for violation of environmental regulation are being replaced with incentive-based regulation and fees that buy the right to destroy or pollute.
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