Festival of the Dead
Compass for Climate chaos

Seasonal Gathering : Festival of the Dead

Mødelokale i stuen i gården
Studiestræde 24

Eco-anxiety? Climate-grief? Talking about emotions related to the climate crisis is not easy and should not be an individual responsibility. 

With the project “Compass for Climate Chaos”, we explore ways to navigate through the climate crisis towards hope and empowerment.

From September 2024 to August 2025, we are doing this together by following the wheel of the year, reconnecting with the rhythm of the seasons, with ourselves and with others through different collective tools and creative practices, inspired by climate psychology, the Feel/Act/Balance method and the work that reconnects.

In this workshop from « Compass for Climate Chaos », we will go through the spiral of eco-emotions through the theme of the festival of the Dead*. 

We will talk about loss. Loss of both human and non-humans, of the material (the snow) and the immaterial (the seasons), and we want to reflect about how to survive in the ruins of capitalism.

The festival of the Dead - often celebrated at the end of October until the beginning of November, is nearly a universal tradition. It’s a time for reflection on the past, the impermanence of life and the cycle of life and death. It is  a time to honour ancestors and loved ones who have passed, acknowledging their impact on your life and the continuous circle of life and death. It is a moment to question where we are from and where we are going.

  • Grounding introduction

  • Navigating in climate chaos

  • Changing perspectives

  • Going forth

Dinner included

The event has a maximum of 20 participants. Compass for Climate Chaos is free of charge, but you are required to sign up via the formula on this page or you can write to sarah@noah.dk. Please write which Compass for Climate Chaos event you will be attending when you sign up.


*There will be 8 workshops, based on the same methods but all different. You can come to one or them all, as you wish. They are drop in workshops, so you can just join if you feel like it. Just let us know, so we will make sure there will be food for you.

** You don’t need anything to join, just yourself. It is free of charge. 

*** This second workshop is taking place during NOAHs biannual meeting. You will meet a lot of activits from all generation, sharing their perspectives, emotions and visions.

Disclaimer : We are not therapists nor psychologists. We are aiming to create a room for bringing feelings related to the climate together, find people who share the same worries and concerns to work with emotions and reconnect to hope and empowerment. We have therefore to stress that if you have severe anxiety or mental distress, we do not have the capacity to offer you  a safe space and ask you to be aware of your own needs and capacity for self-care.






  • Aktuelle Start
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NOTE: All food is vegan and at least organic


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